Operations & Business Development Division
The role of this division is to store and supply bunker fuels imported by bunker license holders.
Approximately the inflow and outflow of bunker oils is 30,000MT to 50,000MT per month. This division functions in Colombo South Jetty mostly and at UCT and New North Pear to a lesser extent and also at the pump house inour premises in this operation.
Finance Division
This division is responsible in the collection of all finances accruing to the Company, managing the expenditure and investing the balance in a prudent manner.
Engineering Division
The main responsibility of the Engineering division is to plan & carry out proper maintenance programs for the Engine pumps, fuel storage tanks, boilers, fuel distribution pipe lines, buildings, vehicles and other machinery and equipment. In addition, engineering division is responsible for all fabrication works, Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering work, Fire and safety of Oil Terminal and Yard maintenance works etc.
Legal & Human Resource Division
The main function of the division is to manage the Company staff resources including recruitment, capacity enhancement, and disciplinary procedures as necessary while taking steps to have a happy and contended work force.